Beginning Intensive


Beginning Intensive


Beginning Intensive (ages 9-11)
-5 days with classes and workshops held from 1-5pm
-Price: $475

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Intensives at Week of Dance
Intensives are a concentrated week of training with high-level faculty from around the world who come to Colorado to inspire this next generation of dancers. Each dancer will experience classes in all styles: Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip-Hop, and Contemporary dance. Additionally, they will have special workshop classes like "dancing on camera", "how to audition", "choreography", “dance history”, “voice lessons” etc. 

Thursday-Monday 1:00-5:00 Classes and Workshops Each Day
Optional All Level Classes 5:00-6:00pm Thursday - Sunday
Showing 6:00pm Monday August 5th

Detailed Class Schedule will be posted here July 1st. Each years schedule is individual since it is based on what staff is attending, but you can view our 2022 schedule for a general example of the type of schedule for intensive students.

Why Take an Intensive?
Intensives are a guided schedule of classes that reflect the dance industry’s growing and changing landscape. Students become close to a new community of friends and have access to new types of movement outside their normal year round classes making it a hugely developmental time. On day one, intensive dancers will be given a notebook and name tag so that guest teachers and staff can help provide personal feedback to them, and opportunities for them to reflect on all the new information brought their way. Special lunch breaks will include guest lectures and q&a sessions with professional teachers and dancers on staff. But most importantly, an intensive is an energized and inspiration filled kick off for another year of dance!